Laser Skin Rejuvenation
IPL Photofacial Acne And Pigmentation

What is a photofacial?
PhotoFacial is a non-invasive skin health and restoration treatment that can reduce some of the damage inflicted on your skin from sun damage, acne, aging, and biological factors, as well as conditions such as rosacea. The technology supplies a broad spectrum of light, which reaches deep down within the skin, targeting pigment and vascular imperfections. It treats skin damage without disruption of the skin’s surface, so no down time is necessary. The goals of therapy are a more even skin color and texture. The PhotoFacial cannot only treat the imperfections on the face, but also the neck, chest, and hands.
How Does It Work?
Laser facial involves the use of an intense beam of light to deliver energy to your skin. The laser can be directed on problem areas; for example, wrinkles around your eyes, mouth, or nose, or it can be used to treat a whole area.
LSR is non-ablative laser resurfacing. It doesn’t destroy any skin, but heats it up to encourage new skin to grow. It works beneath your epidermis to stimulate collagen growth.
What Can PhotoFacial Treat?
Photo facial treatments can be used to treat a variety of conditions on the face, neck, chest, and hands, including:
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Sun damage
- Redness
- Broken capillaries
- Brown spots
- Age spots
- Sun-induced freckles on the hands, chest, and face
- Broken capillaries around the nose
What Can I Expect During Photo?
Before treatment starts, our practitioner will review and assist with all pre-treatment requirements. During PhotoFacial treatment, you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturizers, lie down on a couch, and to put special goggles on to protect your eyes.
How Long Does The Treatment Last?
The procedure can last from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.
Is The Treatment Painful?
You may feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation, although many people don’t feel anything at all and only report noticing the bright light of the laser.
What Can L Expect After The Treatment?
There may be some slight swelling or pinkness immediately afterwards. This will completely disappear within twenty-four hours. You don’t need any recovery time and you can return to your daily activities straight away.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
On average, you may require three-to-six treatments in order to achieve optimal results. However, every client is different. For more information about your expected results or the number of treatments, book a free consultation.
What Can I Expect After The Treatment?
Recovery from laser skin treatments is usually straightforward with minimal discomfort. Far less time off work is necessary, usually none, when compared to a surgical face lift. There is a period of healing, during which time, the routine for aftercare is very important. However, when the new skin emerges, it contains fewer wrinkles and is smoother, tighter, and much younger looking.
Following your laser skin treatment, the therapist will show you how to cleanse your face gently and apply antibiotic ointment to avoid infection. This will need to be done several times a day, every day, for the next few days. For the next few weeks after laser skin treatment, applying a mild moisturizer will prevent drying out. It is also absolutely vital to keep out of the sun and to wear a high factor sun cream. In general, the areas heal in 1-3 weeks.
Before Treatment
- No Accutane use for 6 months prior to treatment.
- Do not tan the areas being treated for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
- Do not use self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
- Stop all Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, glycolics, bleaching creams, and exfoliants 3-4 days prior to treatment.
- The treatment area must be free of any open sores, lesions, or skin infections. For treatment of pigmented skin lesions, you should consult a specialist if there is a family or personal history of skin cancer or if you have these concerns.
- Shave any hair present in the area to be treated. Men should shave the beard area twice in succession in order to ensure as close a shave as possible.
Gently wash the area to be treated, removing makeup, lotion, etc. Do not apply any creams, lotions, or other products to the area except a topical anesthetic (if being used).
- If you have elected to use a topical anesthetic, do so only after reviewing all cautions associated with its use. Apply and use as directed prior to arrival.
- You cannot be pregnant or breast feeding to receive treatment.
- If you have a history of oral herpes, you must pre-treat with an anti-viral three days before your scheduled visit.
After Treatment
- You will have a mild sunburn sensation following treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. Skin redness, flaking, mild bruising, and/or slight edema (swelling) is normal and may last a few days. Blistering is uncommon, and when it occurs, it is generally not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.
- Cold compresses (not ice) and recommended skin care products may be useful to reduce swelling or discomfort. You may take over-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication. Hydrocortisone (steroid) cream may decrease any itching or skin irritation. Antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin) may be used if skin is broken to prevent infection.
- Your skin will be fragile for 2-3 days. Use gentle cleansers, but do not rub the skin vigorously and avoid hot water during this time. Skin moisturizers may be used immediately and makeup can be applied if the skin is not broken.
- It is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning creams between treatments. Use SPF 30 or greater on the treatment area at all times.
- The treatment area may be left open and uncovered. Do not scrub or exfoliate the area. Do not use any products on the treated area without first consulting our staff.
- Avoid soaking for 24 to 48 hours. No hot tubs, whirlpools, or baths, but showers are okay.
- Avoid excessive sweating for 24 to 48 hours. No saunas or vigorous workouts.
- Avoid irritants, such Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, glycolics, bleaching creams, and exfoliants for one week.
- Treated area will usually darken after treatments. Crusting of the skin can form. This crusting usually resolves in 1 to 3 weeks. Please allow to naturally flake off for best results.
- In the rare case that you experience any blistering or scabbing, please call us as soon as possible. Contact us if you experience persistent or unusual redness, swelling, or drainage, as antibiotics may be necessary.
- Do not apply makeup until redness has subsided.
- Avoid microdermabrasion and chemical peels one week after your treatment.

Schedule an appointment with us today to get started
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person results may vary.